Providing bicycles for employees is a way of showing appreciation that employers show to their staff through bike leasing. At the same time, providing bicycles is environmentally friendly and helps to reduce the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere. In addition, large companies benefit from tax advantages by providing bicycles, as it is tax-deductible.

Furthermore, the important health factor for the workforce ultimately benefits employers as well, as it reduces the potential for sick leave. With bike leasing, large companies have an attractive opportunity to enjoy the use of bikes at affordable prices. This article takes a closer look at bike leasing for large companies.

Bike leasing as a bonus in addition to the regular salary
Bike leasing for large companies is a lucrative option to provide additional benefits to employees in addition to the salary specified in the employment contract. For the staff, this means taking over the monthly lease payment for the use of the bicycles provided.

Salary conversion through bike leasing in large companies
If employers do not want to cover the cost of bike leasing, the option of salary conversion can be considered. Employees give up a portion of their regular salary in exchange for a bike provided by the company and the company covers the lease payment.

Dealing with personnel changes before the end of the leasing contract
While turnover in some companies is limited, it is more pronounced in others. However, employers do not have to give up bike leasing. If a member of the staff leaves the company before the end of the contract with the leasing provider, suitable solutions can be found. Options may include:

• The leasing contract is continued by the former employee at a new company
• The leasing contract is converted into a private contract
• The leasing contract remains in the current company (another staff member receives the benefit)
• The leasing contract ends early by returning the bike
• The leasing contract is terminated by purchasing the bike at its residual value

Individual consideration of the continuation of bike leasing contracts
It is important to explore the various options with the bike leasing provider for large companies and to receive detailed advice on the topic of company bikes before entering into a leasing contract. For example, fair pricing for the company is crucial when purchasing the bike.

Furthermore, not every solution is suitable for every large company. If, for example, there are plans to repurpose the company premises where the bikes are located and to use the space for other purposes, returning the bike during a personnel change may be more sensible.

Service providers offering full-service bike leasing for large companies have a high reputation
Efficiency is particularly important in large companies with a high density of staff. In practice, this means making bike leasing as time- and cost-effective as possible. Some bike leasing providers specialize in offering full service, primarily targeting large companies.

The popularity of full-service bike leasing for large companies exists for good reasons. Factors such as data protection and general legal security in contract design and internal procedures are important and some bike leasing providers handle communication with the leasing company and the staff member designated for the bike leasing.

The provider of bike leasing for large companies takes care of legal matters and ensures that employers are legally secure, including full compliance with data protection regulations. Additionally, promotional materials for internal communication of bike leasing can be provided to the company. As a rule of thumb, the more comprehensive the initial consultation, the quicker and more effective large companies can benefit from providing employee bikes. Full service usually pays off quickly and significantly contributes to the company’s profitability.

Goal- and solution-oriented management of bike leasing contracts for large companies via online portal
To further increase efficiency in bike leasing for large companies, it is recommended to choose a provider that offers digital management of leasing contracts. An online portal is typically provided, which can be customized to the company’s corporate identity and provides comprehensive oversight for HR managers. Employees can also access the portal and choose a bike from the collection that suits them best.