The World Missionary Week and Mission Sunday, by Romaric Bexon | RCF

A written article by Romaric Bexon – RCF, on October 9, 2024 – Modified on October 9, 2024

It’s a sacred mission! The World Missionary Week and Mission Sunday, by Romaric Bexon

OPM CHRONICLE – It’s a flagship event for the Pontifical Mission Societies. And not just for the PMS, but for the entire Church! It is the World Missionary Week, which begins this Sunday, October 13, and ends with World Mission Day this year on Sunday, October 20.

For World Missionary Week 2024, the Pope has chosen the theme: Go out and invite everyone to the wedding feast (cf. Mt 22, 9). Credits: OPM/DR. This week will be a privileged time to celebrate universal solidarity among Christians, which is a fundamental aspect of the Salvation given by Christ. This notion of universal solidarity is found many times in the New Testament. For example, in the first letter to the Corinthians, the Church is likened to the body of Christ and each baptized person is a member, in solidarity with all other baptized members. We as Christians are the members and each member cares for the others!

The World Missionary Week has existed for nearly a century. This dates back to 1926 when Pope Pius XI established World Mission Day. He wanted the entire Church to celebrate the “catholicity and universal solidarity,” in his own words. So, it has been almost 100 years since the World Missionary Week and Day have been celebrated every October. It is the parishes, congregations, and other movements that organize this missionary week. They do so with the help of the PMS, who are also responsible for centralizing the collection for the Mission.

The program for this missionary week in 2024. As every year, the PMS of France offer posters, prayer images, copies of the Pope’s message, as well as an animation booklet. All these tools are available for anyone who wishes to mobilize their parish during World Missionary Week.

What can be found in this booklet? Testimonials, resources for the animation of masses or prayer times, or even further explanations on the Pope’s message. There are also some explanations about the principle of the required collection of the PMS, which takes place during the offertory at Mass for the mission. It is important to note that this collection has a true liturgical dimension. First, because it takes place at the heart of the Mass and also because it is a means for everyone to concretely participate in the work of missionaries around the world!

If you want to find all the information and animation tools on the World Missionary Week from October 13 to 20:

In addition to the events and activities mentioned in the article, it is important to highlight the impact of missionary work on communities around the world. Missionaries often provide essential services such as healthcare, education, and community development in areas where resources are scarce. By supporting mission efforts, individuals can contribute to building a more inclusive and compassionate global community. Furthermore, the celebration of World Missionary Week serves as a reminder of the importance of spreading love, peace, and understanding across borders and cultures. It is a time to reflect on the shared humanity that unites us all and to recommit to making a positive difference in the world.