The current debate on the future direction of economic policy following the release of the SPD’s economic policy position paper was addressed by Jörg Dittrich, President of the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH). He expressed disappointment that the SPD once again prioritized industry over small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In a time when the entire economy is under pressure, SMEs cannot afford to wait for their concerns to be addressed later. With 5.6 million employees and €766 billion in revenue, the crafts sector is the backbone of the German economy and society. It not only stabilizes the economy but also fosters social cohesion.

Economic policy that supports crafts and SMEs is essential for upholding democracy. These businesses represent over 90% of all companies in Germany, yet their potential is often underestimated by policymakers. The future of our democracy is at stake when people feel their concerns are not being taken seriously, paving the way for populism. Promises such as raising the minimum wage without considering industry and regional differences can be harmful, as they may burden small and medium-sized businesses and jeopardize jobs.

Bold and genuine reforms are needed to address high labor costs, taxes, bureaucracy, and the shortage of skilled workers affecting the crafts sector. Minor adjustments are not sufficient; a realignment of economic policy is necessary to enhance Germany’s economic competitiveness. Chancellor Merkel herself has called for such reforms, emphasizing the importance of considering the perspectives of crafts and SMEs.

A strong crafts sector is crucial for a stable economy and society. The SPD is urged to set the right course for a successful future that benefits the economy, society, and democracy. It is time to prioritize economic policy from the perspective of crafts and SMEs to combat economic stagnation and strengthen our society.