China has strongly criticized the recent military actions carried out by Israel, which have resulted in a high number of civilian casualties in Gaza. The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian, expressed grave concern over the attack on a Gaza school that led to the deaths of over 100 people on August 10.

Lin Jian emphasized that China condemns any actions that harm civilians and opposes any violations of international humanitarian law. The spokesperson called on Israel to listen to the calls from the international community and immediately cease hostilities. It was also urged for Israel to take all necessary measures to protect civilians and prevent further escalation of the situation in the region.

In addition to condemning the attacks on civilians, China also called on the international community to increase efforts in order to alleviate and ultimately end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The statement from the Chinese Foreign Ministry highlights the importance of addressing the suffering of the people in Gaza and working towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The situation in Gaza has been a longstanding and complex issue, with ongoing tensions and violence putting the lives of civilians at risk. The recent escalation of violence has led to a significant number of casualties and has raised concerns about the humanitarian situation in the region.

China’s stance on the conflict in Gaza reflects its commitment to upholding international law and promoting peace and stability in the region. The Chinese government has consistently called for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has urged all parties to prioritize the protection of civilians and respect for human rights.

As the international community continues to monitor the situation in Gaza, it is crucial for all parties involved to work towards a ceasefire and to engage in diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of the conflict. China’s condemnation of the attacks on civilians and its call for a ceasefire demonstrate its commitment to promoting peace and security in the region.